Monday, 23 January 2017

Make Over 50% On Gethelpworldwide!!!... Register Now!

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Get Help Worldwide is one of the World's most organized Mutual Aid / Crowd Funding / Donation Exchange / Social Financial Platform, Programmed to last forever with innovative features. Some of the features will be listed and elaborated as we proceed.

So many of us are yet to understand the ideology behind Crowd Funding Programs, while others are busy setting themselves up through Crowd Funding communities like Get Help Worldwide.
Across the Globe, Crowd Funding has become a major means of raising money among individuals and a lot of successful Companies/Businesses have been set up via Crowd Funding.


What Is Get Help Worldwide All About?
It is simply an online Community where people are helping each other Financially Directly with No Third Parties Involved, whatever Help you give to someone financially grows by 30% and 50% in 30 days.


How does it work technically? You declare the willingness to Give Help (click on "Provide Help"), type in the amount you wish to Provide as Help either in your Local Currency after which your account will be rewarded with One Time Registration Bonus (depending on amount of Help Provided). Help provided will start growing from the moment it was entered online at the rate of 30% for 30 days, while you remain with your money till you are paired with who you will donate directly to. In GHW, you will be able to see picture of who you are donating to with their Country. Your Yield amount and date shows you Amount you can request on the 30th day and the date of Maturity. Say you have announced willingness to assist with N1000 , they will immediately start growing! ,in 30 Days it will become 1,300

Accordingly, you will be able to request for Help of N1,300.



When registering in the system, you get N4,000 to N20,000 as One Time Registration Bonus. Bonuses are given only once, not every time. Only those who's first Pledge to Provide Help falls within the bonus range. (Otherwise the System will be pulled apart for bonuses).
Registration Bonus Ranges as Follows;

(1.) N4,000 Registration Bonus — if you have contributed from N15,000 to N149,000.
 (2.) N10,000 Registration Bonus — if you have contributed from N150,000 to N649,000.
 (3.) N20,000 Registration Bonus — if you have contributed from N650,000 and above

Each participant is allowed to have ONLY one account.

Credibility Score Index

Credibility Score index is a custom rating logic implemented into the system to ensure fair-play and honesty. Each new account is started with 100% rating, however, penalties are enforced when guidelines are broken, which lead to the deduction of score point. This is to ensure all members act and respond according to the guidelines of the community.


GHWGHW is here to Change Lives, Change Nations and Change the World. It is designed to last forever; we understand that everyone will love to earn money every 30days. We will like to inform you that this Community will last forever if only everyone makes a New Pledge to Provide Another Help after they have Received Help knowing that the new Help you pledged to Provide will bring in another 30% in Local currency. It will keep the community running forever. GHW also implemented some featured to keep this in check.

a.) After receiving Help, a Participant is given a maximum of 3days to make another Pledge to Provide Help. If no new pledge is made after 3 days from receiving help, the system will commence debiting of your Credibility score. Please note that accounts with credibility score of zero(0) will be automatically blocked. All we need in this community are people who are active and have the Mind Set to Give and in turn Receive. We need people that will make this community last forever.

b.) When a Participant makes a Pledge to Provide Help of N1000 for Example; his/her next Pledge to Provide Help will not go below the Previous Help provided. It can only be the same or higher. This will keep the Community Growing instead of being setback by people who will give help of N10,000 for example and after Getting Help of N13,00 they decide to Provide Help of N1000 in their next Pledge. Such doesn't work here on GHW

c.) Feel the joy of giving when you see the face of who you are Providing Help to. This will help Participants make friends all over the World. A Real Social Financial Platform with Sincere people Changing Lives, Changing Nations and Changing the World.

Ready to register?

Go to: and earn 30%/50% of whatever you offer after 30 days!

Contact me on WhatsApp for more GHW secret methods and mentorship : 08160710786

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