Thursday, 19 January 2017

Obese Woman Who Was Humiliated After Photo Of Her Falling Off A Motorised Scooter In Walmart Went Viral Hits Back

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She's the woman who appeared in a viral internet meme that was shared across the world.
But now Jennifer Knapp Wilkinson has revealed the truth behind an image that captured her falling off a motorised scooter in Walmart.

The image appeared on an online page ridiculing Walmart customers called People of Walmart.

Now, four years after the picture was taken, Ms Knapp Wilkinson has spoken about that day and shared the shocking impact the humiliating experience had on her, saying: 'It is never just harmless fun to laugh at someone.'

The 39-year-old mum of two says she is still suffering from obesity and struggles to lose weight because of her spinal condition, anxiety, ADHD and Post Traumatic Stress Disorder.

She subsequently scrolled through hundreds of cruel comments that poked fun at her obesity.

The worst thing about this photo is that people think a fat woman tipped over a cart because she was too lazy to get out of the cart to get the case of soda

‘I have a condition in my spine called Spondylolisthesis. The most common symptoms in the legs include a feeling of vague weakness associated with prolonged standing or walking.

Ms Knapp Wilkinson was grocery shopping for her husband Robert when she fell off her scooter and was in enormous pain

‘Both my parents had a form of this disease and both had to have back surgeries in their early thirties.

So there is a good chance my children can get the same spine disease,’ she said.

She shamed bullies for assuming her obesity was because of ‘laziness’, saying the photo is now an eternal reminder of a 'low point' in her life.

The stay-at-home mum said she wants people to know ‘fat people are people too’ and wants ‘compassion, understanding, and respect as a fellow human being.’

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