Smiling from ear to ear, the obviously elated singer told Saturday Beats in a chat, that this achievement was a big deal for her.
“I am very elated that such is happening to me right now. This will give me a bigger platform than I had before.
The limelight is now bigger than it used to me.
When you work hard and have good work ethics and you continue to improve yourself, the sky is the beginning of the limit. I am not surprised at my success, I am just grateful to God.
My record label, Xtreme Music, is very important to my career. They allow me to have creative expression. They don’t dictate the kind of music I do. They support me and push me.”
And even as some of her colleagues who are telecoms brand ambassadors ‘port’ to a rival company after the expiration of their contract, Simi said she would not do that.
“I am with Etisalat and I will not leave,” she said.
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