Sunday 30 July 2017

It Is Insulting & Annoying To Say A Man Funds My Lifestyle- Angela Okorie

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Pretty Angela Okorie has said it is very insulting for anyone to say she lives of a man or men. Angela has been in and out of the country lately and people have been saying her lifestyle is definitely funded by a man. But the actress, says it is annoying and the height of being dumb for anyone to say that. She says she is a woman that works hard, and it has always paid off. Below is what she told Tofarati Ige.

“It is very annoying and insulting to say that a man must sponsor me before I can travel out of the country. Before I came into the movie industry, I was a model and singer and I was making good money from that. Even as an actress, I have appeared in a lot of films and my services are still very much in demand. I am also involved in some other things as well. For anybody to now say that I’m living off anybody is the height of being dumb. Everything I am today is by the grace of God and my sweat. I am a very hard-working and independent person. I know what I want and I constantly go for it. I don’t need anybody to sponsor me,” she said.

Speaking on how she reacts to the controversies that have trailed her career, she said, “Right now, I have developed a thick skin, so I hardly get bothered when some funny things are written or said about me. You should also know that many of these things are untrue and are just figments of the imagination of whoever wrote it. I remain true to myself and I will continue doing what I know how to do best. A lot of people don’t understand that acting is make-believe so what they feel they know about me is false. I am a very homely and reserved person. Those who truly know me know what I’m capable of.”


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