Tuesday, 15 August 2017

I'm Working On A World Where Legal & Traditional Marriages Can Be Optional- Freeze

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So one of Daddy Freeze's followers told him since he is now a pastor, he should do the needful and marry the woman who already bore him a son. Freeze laughed and replied her with an epistle saying he is working on a world where traditional and legal marriages will one day be optional and marriages filled with emotions will TOP. Let us just say, everything Freeze wrote is just DEFENDING THE REASON HE IS NOT YET LEGALLY MARRIED TO HIS NEW WOMAN, lol. What Freeze wrote after the cut. Hilarious!

The same loopholes in the Bible that your Yahoo Boy Pastors plugged into to exploit and enslave you, are the same loopholes I will plug into to set you free! After all what's good enough for the goose is good enough for the gander! ~FRZ
Dear @karma_boi_4real first of all, did you confirm our marital status before making your assertion?
By the way, in the Free Nation, what we have today as 'marriage' is optional, because it has moved from what it was intended to be and has become a paper prison, where many are held in bondage, by mere words imprinted upon a piece of paper!
In the #FreeNation, I am pioneering the design of a new marriage creed for our citizens, where feelings of mutual love and respect are made priority, over tradition and culture.
I'm not saying we will discontinue the traditional or legal type marriages, however, we will only make them optional, because instead of allowing God's people to languish in fear and bondage we are here to set them free.
There is no where in the Bible and I repeat for emphasis; ABSOLUTELY NO WHERE, the rules and regulations for conducting a 'christian wedding' were laid down. What we have today are man made doctrines, that have evolved into traditions, based on the zeitgeist of this religious era, hardly on the teachings of Christ.
Whatever we have as tradition today were started either by someone, or by a group of people and in my honest opinion, have now become obsolete, so it's time to rise up and start our own new traditions.
If we fail to rise to this occasion, what we have as Christianity and the institution marriage today, would either evolve by natural selection or go into extinction. We have the power to control the evolution of religion 'for now', however that privilege is only short lived. The danger in our failure to act immediately, will lead to our children making statements like after all Oprah Winfrey is neither born again nor married and she is both rich and happier than many married folk!
ARISE FREE NATION, the time is NOW! Enough of slavery, enough of exploitation!
If you are with me, let me see those hands! ~FRZ

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