Trisha Jukes, 34, says her son Jordan Waterfield was first sent to isolation before teachers ordered him to leave the school. The 15-year-old had returned after half-term with the top of his hair braided, while the sides were left long.
However staff at the RSA Academy in Tipton, West Midlands, sent Jordan straight to isolation for his 'extreme haircut'.
Ms Jukes claims she then received an upset phone call from her son who said she had to pick him up from school.
She said: 'I never imagined there'd be a problem with Jordan's hair, girls go to school with plaits in, so why couldn't my son
'As soon as I found out that he was put in isolation I was shocked, his hair cut wasn't bothering anyone.
'It's a shame that he has missed out on a big chunk of education for the day just because of his hair.
'If other people in his school are allowed to have plaits in their hair, my son should be too. It isn't an "extreme haircut" in the slightest.'
Ms Jukes rang the school and after speaking to multiple members of staff she claims the school retracted their decision and told her to bring him back the same day.
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