"Based upon this investigation and relevant Florida state statutes, no charges will be filed in this case," according to an 18-page traffic homicide investigation released Wednesday by Palm Beach Gardens police.
Jerome Barson, 78, was a passenger in a 2016 Hyundai Accent driven by his wife, Linda Barson, 68. The car T-boned Williams’ Toyota Sequoia as she waited in an intersection in Palm Beach Gardens. Jerome Barson died 13 days after the June 9 wreck.
Williams was not injured. In the aftermath of the crash, Williams explained to an officer that a dark-colored car turned left in front of her, trapping her in the intersection when her light turned red and before she was T-boned by the Barsons’ Hyundai. In July Florida police obtained video supporting Williams' claim that she was doing nothing illegal when the accident occurred.
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