In a chat with Sunday Scoop, the actor confessed that he had been turned on on set. He said, “Believe it or not, it probably happened to me once or twice within my entire career. However, my eyes and mind are always on the prize.”
Maintaining that he doesn’t have a favourite among all the actresses he has acted with, Ninalowo said, “I enjoy working with many of them. I have never really seen anyone as special because we simply go and get the job done. I do not have a favourite.”
Speaking on marriage, Bolanle said, “I am single but please do not expect any wedding soon. However, only God is king; so, we can never say never. When the time is right, I would like to walk a beautiful and God-fearing woman down the aisle.”
On if he can get married to someone in the entertainment industry, he said, “No, I doubt that. I don’t think I want the attention and drama. I would rather date someone low-key but I am not saying it cannot happen either.”
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