Thursday 27 September 2018

'Cannibal Woman' & Husband Nabbed For Eating Humans & Killings

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A 'cannibal woman' who is suspected of eating up to 30 people allegedly goaded her husband into killing a waitress who was flirting with him.

Natalia Baksheeva, 43, from Russia, faces up to 15 years in jail if convicted at an upcoming trial.

Her husband Dmitry Baksheev, 35, who is nicknamed 'Devil', is suffering from tuberculosis and his role in the macabre murder and cannibalism case will be dealt with later, according to state investigators.

Police found a gruesome collection of 'steamed' and frozen human remains in the couple's kitchen in Krasnodar.

Authorities say the remains belong to the couple's 'final victim' - 35-year-old waitress Elena Vashrusheva.

At least one jar with pickled human remains, and 19 slices of skin were also discovered.

Baksheeva has been charged with inciting her husband to kill Vashrusheva, who she believed was flirting with him.

The women had a drunken row and Baksheeva demanded that her husband Dmitry murder the waitress, according to the Russian Investigative Committee (IC), who are responsible for bringing serious crimes to trial.

Baksheeva was in a 'fit of jealousy', it was earlier reported.

'Because of his character and psychological state of mind Dmitry lived under pressure from his wife, so he obeyed,' an official statement on the case against Baksheeva said.

IC official Anton Lopatin said: 'Following this demand, the man took out the knife that he always kept in his bag, and stabbed the woman twice in her chest.

'The victim died from her injuries on the spot.'

The investigation found that Baksheev dismembered the woman's body and posed for selfies with severed parts.

He took some body parts home. Some were cooked, and the waitress's remains were found in his fridge and freezer.

'Genetic experts proved that all samples belonged to the killed woman,' the statement added.

Investigators say Baksheeva's role in any other murders or cannibalism cases is 'not confirmed' - despite reports last year citing law enforcement sources of her 'confession' that she had at least 30 victims over 18 years.


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