Wednesday, 19 September 2018

Transgender Student Kills Self By Overdosing On Caffeine

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A transgender university student deliberately overdosed on caffeine drinks and tablets, an inquest heard.

Marty Marianova Dragonova was found by a flatmate - who thought the student may be drunk - sobbing and vomiting in their bathroom before being rushed to hospital.

Tragically after two hours trying to revive Marty, the 20-year-old was pronounced dead at the University Hospital of Wales, Cardiff, in May, Wales Online reports.

An inquest into the death was held this week in which Marty's father described his daughter's "love for languages and literature".

Marty, originally from Sofia in Bulgaria, had been studying English and French literature at Cardiff University.

She was born female but had told family and friends they knew from a young age they were male and had been born in the wrong body.
A transgender university student deliberately overdosed on caffeine drinks and tablets, an inquest heard.

Marty Marianova Dragonova was found by a flatmate - who thought the student may be drunk - sobbing and vomiting in their bathroom before being rushed to hospital.

Tragically after two hours trying to revive Marty, the 20-year-old was pronounced dead at the University Hospital of Wales, Cardiff, in May, Wales Online reports.

An inquest into the death was held this week in which Marty's father described his daughter's "love for languages and literature".

Marty, originally from Sofia in Bulgaria, had been studying English and French literature at Cardiff University.

She was born female but had told family and friends they knew from a young age they were male and had been born in the wrong body.
Marty was diagnosed with gender dysphoria by a GP in 2017 and was referred to a specialist gender identity clinic in Cardiff.

She told family and friends about plans to transition, and had started saving money for the procedures.

Evidence heard at the inquest detailed how a flatmate said she heard crying and loud bangs coming from Marty's room at around 11pm.

She, and another flatmate, went to check on Marty, and saw the bedroom door was propped open with a door wedge.
Assistant Coroner Graeme Hughes said it was clear that Marty intended to take their own life.
He said: "On May 29, she had consumed an extremely high amount of caffeine with the intention to take her own life.

"She was discovered by her flatmate and she was taken to hospital but died shortly after. My conclusion is that how Marty came about her death is one of suicide."

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