In a broadcast aired on Friday on the verified Twitter handle of the British High Commission in Nigeria, @UKinNigeria, the British High Commissioner to the country, Ms Catriona Laing, asked Nigerians not to be discouraged to vote again due to the postponement of the elections.
She said, “Tomorrow is voting day again. We recognise the huge disappointment of Nigerians since they woke up last Saturday to hear the news that the elections had been postponed. But your votes still count.
“It’s your chance to make a difference, not just to vote for the politicians of your choice, but also to play your part in Nigeria’s emerging democracy, helping to consolidate the progress since 2015.”
Laing said as a long-time friend and partner of Nigeria, the UK would play its part in the elections, saying the UK had over 60 observers in 15 states to monitor the elections.
She urged INEC and security agencies to remain impartial during the exercise.
Laing said, “One thing we will be looking forward to is ensuring that the security services are there to support your democratic right to vote.
“And, of course, it is very important that INEC remains impartial throughout the elections.”
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