Thursday, 4 April 2019

Quite Inappropriate! Toddler Who Lives, Eats & Sleeps With Crocodile Is Pictured [Video]

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A toddler who sleeps, eats and plays with her pet crocodile has been filmed brushing the reptile's teeth.

Three-year-old Maharani has a love of animals and has become inseparable from the croc since her dad brought it home eight months ago.

Dad Syahrul Effendi spotted the reptile in a market when it was just 80cms long.

It had wounds all over its body and was unlikely to be sold.

Syahrul said: "I felt bad for the crocodile and wanted to save it.

"Its price was actually £39, but the seller accepted a barter with my £22 as I had bought birds at the same time.

He took the animal home in the city of Tangerang, Indonesia, and started caring for its wounds.

He introduced little Maharani, who was just two at the time, and the pair had an instant bond.

Maharani was seen sitting in a bath of water as she takes her time brushing the croc's teeth.

The tot can be seen putting toothpaste on the brush before scrubbing the animal's dangerous gnashers and appears completely unafraid.

Dad Syahrul added: "I still believe that the crocodile is a predatory animal, but I also get info that it can be domesticated.

"Months living together with it, they show that they love each other."

She is often seen playing with the animal, and it waits in the kitchen while she eats.

Maharani and the croc have also been known to fall asleep together, with the toddler refusing to stop hugging her friend.


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