Wednesday, 23 October 2019

Newlyweds left with horrific injuries after standing up to boy who returned with gang

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A woman says she thought her new husband was dead after seeing him lying on the floor when they were attacked by a gang of around 12 people.

Teresa Mciver jumped in to help when her Neil was set upon by the gang. She ended up with horrific head injuries, broken ribs and a punctured lung while he suffered a gaping head wound following the attack with bats, machetes and an axe.

Dementia care worker Teresa, 50, still has flashbacks following the attack in Grimsby.

She said: ‘At one point Neil was hit over the head and knocked to the floor and I thought he was dead. It was just carnage.

‘I think one of the neighbours must have called the emergency services and we were both rushed to hospital. It is believed the couple were set upon by a gang after they had been confronted by a youth earlier in the evening who had then driven off.

Neil needed 32 stitches to his head and plastic surgery on his hand after the attack on May 14. Teresa was discharged but later rushed back to hospital after it was discovered that her lung had collapsed.

Teresa said: ‘My son and daughter were devastated. My mother also collapsed on the shoulder of my daughter and sobbed when she found out. ‘My mum is 75 and has beat breast cancer and she completely broke down over what happened.

‘It’s not been easy at all, I have nightmares and I wake up fighting and throwing punches.

‘We are both struggling to sleep and are watching the cameras all night waiting to see if someone knocks on the door. I don’t know where we would be if we didn’t have each other.

‘Neil has been left feeling so guilty as he said that he should have protected me, but I wasn’t going to step back and watch.

‘The whole thing has been horrific these past few months, we can’t wait to have some answers.’

He said: ‘My mum and her partner were round at a friend’s house on the Grange when they were confronted by this lad who started having a go at them. He quickly drove away after they stood up to him and they thought nothing more of it.

‘Then as they were leaving the house, they were jumped from behind by this group with bats, machetes and even an axe.’ Humberside Police have arrested three people in connection with the incident.

A 27-year-old man is due to appear in crown court on Monday October 28 charged with a public order offence. The other two people arrested have been released while police carry out further investigations.

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