Saturday 30 May 2020

Edo medical scientists submit Covid-19 herbal invention to NIPRD

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In line with the search for a local solution in the cure for Covid-19, the Edo State-born medical scientist and pathologist, Odion Obumese, has submitted the Covid-19 herbal drug he invented to the Minister of Health and National Institute for Pharmaceutical Research & Development (NIPRD) for trails and approval.

Speaking with Vanguard on Thursday from Abuja in an online interview, Obumese said he worked with his twin brother, Akhere Obumese, who is also a trained medical scientist, a specialist in pathology and staff of Irrua Specialist Teaching Hospital, Irrua, Edo State.

According to Odion, the herbal drug, “Odmedvir” works to restore loss of appetite, and in the treatment of malaria parasite, viruses like Covid-19, hepatitis and HIV.

“Odmedvir also improves the immune system, helps in maintaining high blood pressure and raises glucose level. Generally, it has positive effects on tumours, bacteria, fungi and most inflammatory diseases, while maintaining psychological imbalances.

“However, the mode of action of the herbal drug is not clearly understood, but it seems it inhibits the protein coat of a virus. Odmedvir has broad-spectrum activities and actions in the body system, and it contains a combination of medicinal plants ingredients and photochemical content such as Azadirachtin, Nimbolinin, Nimbidin, Salannin, anthraquinone glycoside and sulphate glycosides, thymol and carvacrol, choline and acetylcholine and lectin. Other chemical components in Odmedvir are kolaveron, desacetylnimbinene, Nimbadiol, Numboilede, Ascorbic acid, Hexacosamol, amino acid, Caryophyllene, flavonoid, glycosides, sterols, phenols, humulene, threonine, zinc, arginine, and histidine.

“It also contains vitamin A, Omega 3, thiamin, riboflavin, niacin, vitamin B6, iron and calcium. Odmedvir helps infertility in both males and females and improves male potency.

Obumese also spoke of what he called “food salad for treatment for covid- 19 patients”, which include: a slice of papaya, one strawberry, a slice of one small leaf of aloe vera, half bulb of a small onion, one raw tomato, three sticks of banana, a stick of carrot, one lemon, five seeds of cashew nuts, and salmon fish; all mixed with yoghurt and taken once daily. He said these food items could also be blended into juice form and taken or mixed with lemon juice or yoghurt, depending on the clinical state of the patients.

Obumese recommends that treatment for Covid-19 patients with Odmedvir must be follow up with this food therapy.


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