Please thank my mummy on my behalf because I can't possibly thank her enough.
My Mummy has always been my heroine but even more so now.
Throughout my lifetime and throughout my pregnancy journey, she was there every step of the way.
During my first trimester I had Hyperemesis gravidarum and I had it BAD. Any pregnant woman that has experienced this knows what I'm talking about. My mummy was on lockdwon in the UK but would still sit on the phone with me for hours. Just talking to me even though all I could muster was a few words and nodding yes and no. The countless times I cried, my mummy was there telling me it would be OK and it'll pass.
Then Champ came and she has been with us for 6 weeks. If you see that I'm well rested and happy, it's because of her. From taking care of him so i can rest, to washing and sterilising, to making me pap in the mornings, to doing night shifts, to bathing him. KAI!!!
I am SO GRATEFUL for you @eniiwaju_etomi etomi
Always asking if I'm OK. Telling me 'pele' when you see I'm tired or in pain. I feel seen and cared for.
You are the best mother i could have ever asked for and if I was asked to choose my mother in another lifetime, I'd pick you again.
I have a deeper appreciation for you. Thank you, thank you, thank you.
Thank you for teaching me love, strength, resilience, courage, hardwork, respect etc...simply by showing it.
You are the best mummy ever and the best and latest grandma in town and only God can bless you for me.
I'm a mummy but I will always be your lil girl.
I love you very very very much.
Ps. We will be needing you for baby number 2 when it's time. T for tenks
~ Mama Z
#iyamamaZ #igotitfrommymama #mamaZgotitfromiyamamaZ
#GrandmaZ #mamaZtiwaonline''
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