Do you think this is right, especially knowing a man of God reported her to the police? Pastor David Ibiyeomie is not the first Pastor Kemi Olunloyo will speak against. She has called respected Pastor E.A Adeboye a criminal and all sorts, but the man of God never said a word. Her father personally went to look for the man of God, he wanted to prostrate but Adeboye stopped him. He apologized on her behalf and Adeboye said it was NOTHING. Instead he prayed for the man again. This speaks volume. Freeze is currently soliciting for her online, but the truth is, this ARREST SPEAKS VOLUME. And you know what? The police have absolute right to carry out their duty. It’s a citizen crying out for justice that his name shouldn’t be dragged in the mud, so they came in. But then, the truth again is, this is not just a citizen, this is a man of GOD…. This is a JESUS FOLLOWER. Our father never got anyone arrested when He was on earth. Wasn’t Jesus prosecuted? Wasn’t he spat upon? Didn’t he even die for us all? Come on, which Pastor has been spat upon? Which Pastor has been beaten? Nailed to the cross? Excuse me? God said we should be like him, act like him? If it were Jesus will he call the authorities? We all know He will rather pray for Kemi Olunloyo. This speaks volume, too much volume. So many people are upset about the way Christian leaders are going on at this moment. Don’t let’s forget the Bible, THE BATTLE IS OF THE LORD. THE LORD, AND THE LORD ALONE. God bless Nigeria. Her words below..
Btw, I am not supporting Kemi Olunloyo. She talks way too much for her age. Just speaking as a Christian. Sefini.
Dear Media, friends, fans. I was driven by the NPF to Port Harcourt on orders of the IG. Pastor David Ibiyeomie says I criminally defamed him because I posted a letter his church member sent to me alleging corruption and adultery.
Both newsmakers refused to answer the allegations but Ibiyeomie called me several times to threaten me with lawsuits, death from above and misfortune. Church spokesman did the same with Danielle Ogbeche of Daily Post too.
I have been charged with a cybercrime along with a Rivers state journalist who simply syndicated my story. 500 blogs did. Cybercrime? in the Nigerian constitution and remanded in prison.
Next week 23rd I appear in court again for a second bail attempt. I will be in this Port Harcourt prison till then. THE PEN IS MIGHTIER THAN THE SWORD. #Journalism is not a crime. I love you all. Pls trend #FreeKOO #FreeMadamHNN. @ludovicca_iacinno pls tell the world. Tweet it to the Toronto Sun's @Joe_warmington. Pls every one let Joe know. I'm in high spirits.
The NPF recommended NO bail. Police is never your friend in Nigeria. I will always be a proud international investigative journalist. I will not see my phone again for a week.
Off to a Nigerian prison. Mass Comm students never give up. I don't need my powerful connections. I want the law to run its course. GOD BLESS #FREETHESHEEPLE #KEMIOLUNLOYO
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