Medical equipment including incubators and ‘an entire professional neonatal wing’ has been shipped into the couple’s £100,000-a-month rented property as they plan the ultimate in home births.
Vans full of high-tech kit have been seen arriving at the mansion over recent days, suggesting the due day is fast approaching – even though BeyoncĂ© has been uncharacteristically shy about exactly when the twins are expected.
A neighbour said: ‘It is all about privacy and safety. It’s not usual for someone expecting twins to have them at home, but BeyoncĂ© has discussed it with her doctors.
‘She’s in prime physical condition and they are setting up a professional maternity unit inside the house for the birth. There will also be an ambulance on standby to take her to Cedars-Sinai Hospital should she or the babies need hospital care.
‘Jay Z can be seen going in and out of the property but BeyoncĂ© is lying low.
‘There are food deliveries and service vans arriving all day.’
Installing the medical equipment at the £20 million nine-bedroom house – which once belonged to Madonna – should avoid a repeat of the row which broke out in 2012 when BeyoncĂ© gave birth to her daughter, Blue Ivy, in New York’s Lenox Hill Hospital.
The source added: ‘BeyoncĂ© and Jay Z were upset by that negative publicity at what should have been the happiest time in their lives. They are determined not to repeat that experience, which is why BeyoncĂ© wants to give birth at home this time around.
‘Of course, she has a team of medical staff advising her and, should her doctors say she needs to move to hospital, then that is what will happen.’
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