Definitely; when the right man finds me. Being single at my age is very challenging and you never know it until you get there. A lot of people just demonise women that are single. You hear about domestic violence every day, although I never experienced it. If they leave, people demonise them; when they stay, they get battered or their lives don’t move forward. There are many psychological issues that can go on in a person’s life beyond beating. When they die, people start asking why they didn’t leave.
When I find someone that understands me completely and that we can put our hands on each other and make it work, I will definitely give it a shot.
What went wrong with your previous marriage?
Let’s just say I had no wisdom at that time, although I wasn’t young when I got married. I guess I was very naïve on many issues of life and it was just foundationally wrong. I wouldn’t blame him or myself, that’s why I don’t demonise my ex. He is a good father to his children, and he is a very quiet man that doesn’t like issues. It is us that didn’t work but we are still friends and our kids have the best of us.
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