Sunday, 4 June 2017

Rapper Eva Announces She Is Single Again With A Black-Out Photo

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Lol, she made the announcement on her IG and said you shouldn’t feel bad for her. She was however nice has she kept hammering on, ‘I let a good man go’. Recall that Eva has always being a love struck person, and has penned several notes openly about being single before meeting her OAP boyfriend, Caeser, who she just broke up with. She wrote;

Single Again and not quite sure I was ready for the other side. Feels so familiar, this Single life, yet so new.

I have been single for only 1 Day and I already feel 馃樂

My friends always used to Tease me and tell me I love 'Love'.
I have finally accepted this is True. I do Love Love. What LEO Woman doesn't? Continue...

#ThatWasAReallyGoodMan and I may be silly to let him go but it's okay cause now #YouCanHaveHimSister! 馃憦馃徑 My head feels wobbly.
I write a great deal don't I ?
Maybe this happened so I can find a way to get back in my head and stroke the balls of my sleeping muse.
I want a Cat.
I have had dogs all my Life and they made for best of Friends those years I was Single.
Should I get a Cat?
I feel like If I finally do get a Cat it would be an all black one with Eyes that Gleam in the Darkness.
Darkness: What lies in the wake of a Love never to be felt again.

I want a Cat and I want to Write.
No not Write Rap. Not that.
It would be so wonderful to write a new Novel.
I'd think about this in the coming days and let you know what I decide.

Hey don't feel sad for me. I let a Good man go, that must be a good thing no?
I want to write a Novel.
I have to write.
I am going to Write.
I need to Write.
I am Writing.
Don't Ask about me, I have gone to Write.
I AM a Writer, First.
2:22 NEW

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