Well a lot of celebs have criticized his move saying it's so wrong. Lady Gaga, John Mayer and even Kim Kardashian lend her voice against this with lots more saying the ban is unaccepted.
@POTUS Sincerely, did you know of the group you singled out today, 45% of them ages (18 to 24) have attempted suicide already?
— xoxo, Gaga (@ladygaga) July 26, 2017. Continue...
The message you have just sent has endangered the lives of people all over the United States and overseas bravely serving our nation @POTUS
— xoxo, Gaga (@ladygaga) July 26, 2017
.@Potus Research says at least 1/2 of High School, University Students, & Employed Young People rarely/never discuss mental issues w/ anyone
— xoxo, Gaga (@ladygaga) July 26, 2017
Repost repost REPOST!! #TransRightsAreHumanRights http://pic.twitter.com/2hD2GqI9cV
— Zendaya (@Zendaya) July 26, 2017
Don't let @realDonaldTrump, who's spent his life avoiding armed combat, try and define the image of bravery. #TransRightsAreHumanRights http://pic.twitter.com/Zp6PCyz72R
— Cole M. Sprouse (@colesprouse) July 26, 2017
7/26/17: The day it became empirically clear this is pathological, not political. #transrightsarehumanrights
— John Mayer (@JohnMayer) July 26, 2017
Impeachment-- where are we in regards to that process and how can we speed things along?
Trump is a disgrace #TransRightsAreHumanRights
— Lili Reinhart (@lilireinhart) July 26, 2017
— aisha dee (@aishadee) July 26, 2017
Many of these young people are transgender & suffer daily from the exact types of social isolation & targeting ur message encourages @POTUS
— xoxo, Gaga (@ladygaga) July 26, 2017
Banning transgender people from serving our country is simply wrong. We should be so grateful to anybody who wants to serve, not ban them!
— Kim Kardashian West (@KimKardashian) July 26, 2017
There are 15,000 patriotic transgender Americans in the US military fighting for all of us. What happened to your promise to fight for them? https://t.co/WzjypVC8Sr
— Caitlyn Jenner (@Caitlyn_Jenner) July 26, 2017
We should be grateful to the people who wish to serve, not turn our backs on them. Banning transgender people is hurtful, baseless and wrong
— Ellen DeGeneres (@TheEllenShow) July 26, 2017
Your legacy continues to be one of ignorance and intolerance. Your cruelty will only ignite our fire. We won't stop this fight.
— Charlize Theron (@CharlizeAfrica) July 26, 2017
I just want to tell the transgender community that I love you and you ARE supported no matter what. #ProtectTransTroops
— Demi Lovato (@ddlovato) July 26, 2017
Are you TRYING to be an asshole? https://t.co/QW9axAScmO
— Andy Cohen (@Andy) July 26, 2017
I don't know what to say about this embarrassment of a president but I stand with the Trans community. I'm sorry.
— Gabby Sidibe (@GabbySidibe) July 26, 2017
In decreeing transgender people unfit to serve, Donald Trump continues to visit previously unxplored regions of the suck.
— Stephen King (@StephenKing) July 26, 2017
To the transgender men and women. Please know that I am standing with you. 🙏🏾
— kerry washington (@kerrywashington) July 26, 2017
"Apparently America is on it's way to greatness by banning muslims,not letting transgenders serve,& taking healthcare away" - @RealDLHughley
— The DL Hughley Show (@DLHughleyRadio) July 26, 2017
"Shut up Caitlyn Jenner , what happened to your promise about helping transgender people?" - @RealDLHughley
— The DL Hughley Show (@DLHughleyRadio) July 26, 2017
"What he is appealing to his base because he know's he can't complete anything, so he is appealing to hate"- @RealDLHughley
— The DL Hughley Show (@DLHughleyRadio) July 26, 2017
"If you want to sign up to fight for this country and put your name on the line you should be able to do so, point.blank.period"- D.L.
— The DL Hughley Show (@DLHughleyRadio) July 26, 2017
"Why would we deny an able body to serve this country if they are willing to die for us"- @RealDLHughley
— The DL Hughley Show (@DLHughleyRadio) July 26, 2017
"This is another attempt to roll back something President Obama achieved, if he could bring back Bin Laden & kill him he would"- D.L.
— The DL Hughley Show (@DLHughleyRadio) July 26, 2017
Trans people embody courage & bravery. They stand in their truth & fight every day. Soldiers deserve respect for their service, not this.
— Jazz Jennings (@JazzJennings__) July 26, 2017
Trump is banning all transgenders from the military. To those who believed Trump would be a friend to LGBTs, time to admit you were conned.
— George Takei (@GeorgeTakei) July 26, 2017
Donald: With your ban on trans people from the military, you are on notice that you just pissed off the wrong community. You will regret it.
— George Takei (@GeorgeTakei) July 26, 2017
History shall record that you are not only the stupidest, most incompetent president ever, but also the cruelest and pettiest. #Shame http://pic.twitter.com/8R4jVOIYmd
— George Takei (@GeorgeTakei) July 26, 2017
Hey trans teens: this man does not represent the overwhelming love, support and pride waiting for you when you step out into the world.
— Lena Dunham (@lenadunham) July 26, 2017
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