So now insurance can be bought online. Many times, these unpredictable events happen to us and shock us financially, rest assured, having insurance in those times is an absolute blessing; you can get on with life smoothly, in the immediate and long term afterwards. One of the main challenge people encounter is tackling the inconvenience of shopping for insurance they identify as necessary. Please continue...
There’s also a better-than-average chance that you don’t know the insurance cover you need indepthly; there are insurance policyholders who know their favorite TV shows more than their insurance policies, while there are others who don't really bother. It’s a common possibility that entrepreneurs have underinsured their business due to the lack of professional risk management knowledge.
How then can you ensure you're adequately informed about the insurance you buy and keep the details handy in the event of an occurrence? By getting your insurance cover online with Compare Insurance! provides uniform products for you to compare and choose the best price for the right insurance cover, we currently offer motor insurance and we will be extending our range of products over time.
When it comes to buying insurance online, here are some reasons to choose Compare Insurance to help make your life easier.
Ease of Access
One of the stand-out features of is the easy access to buying insurance from the comfort of your arm chair, in your own time. If you need insurance in a hurry, you can generate a quote, and make payment at at a later date or you choose the option of making payment directly from our portal using your debit card, after which you will get your certificate.
Multiple Choice of Providers
Compare Insurance has established a network of insurance providers across the nation. Compare multiple quotes or invoices for the same product from trusted insurance brands and view your quotes in one place and retrieve a quote when you are ready to make payment.
Cheaper Coverage Options
Finding the cheapest policy is easy when you know what all of your options are. That’s why we bring you multiple quotes with just a single form – to make shopping for insurance as easy as it should be. We’ll even help you find hidden discounts and explore bundling options, so you can save even more.
Smoother Processes
With Compare Insurance, you can resume and finish the buying process anytime from your desktop, mobile etc. When you shop with us, you won’t just get quotes – you’ll get real, live rates that you can compare side by side. You can also see offers from different carriers, edit coverage details for more tailored results, and buy your policy online or over the phone - if you seem too tired, compare insurance customer service team can help you generate a quote.
Insurance Profile Management
Here you have access to your insurance account via our portal, seeing what policies you have bought, what has expired and is about to expire. If you lost the email sent to you when you purchased the insurance, you can re-download your insurance policy documents immediately from our website.
Easy Claims Recovery
With our simple and easy process of reporting a claim online, you can make claims simple and easy via telephone or email and we will assist to our partners to ensuring your valid claims are paid as at when due.
Complete Privacy Control
We care about your privacy as much as you do. So when you shop from us, you’ll choose exactly how you want to receive your quotes and nothing more. Whether you get your quotes online, over the phone, or from individual carriers, we won’t share your information with anyone else.
Corporate Insurance Management
Corporate organizations can manage their insurance schemes from our special corporate portal. It could be corporates with staff owned cars or corporates with company owned cars and even more. This makes managing your organization’s insurance fleet easier to keep track of with no hassle.
Compare Insurance is not only an online portal, it's also alive, with her hands on team, bringing a new definition to online insurance.
This article is provided by, the online insurance portal for buying insurance from Nigeria’s most serious insurers in 3 simple steps…
Kindly visit our website on or call Sola on 09090004273 to get more information and help today.
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