Vanguard gathered that 25 persons were killed in coordinated attacks on Tse-Abi, Tse-Ginde, Tse-Peviv, Tse-Ikyo, Agenke and Gbenke communities of Unzughul, Saghev Council Ward in Guma local government that last from late Friday night to the early hours of Saturday morning.
According to a resident of one of the affected communities, some of the invaders who stormed the communities were dressed in military fatigue and armed with sophisticated weapons. “They came around 10pm and started shooting sporadically, killing people and razing houses and hurts in the communities. “People ran for their lives but many, especially women and children were caught up with and butchered while several others were gunned down in cold blood including two children of a Makurdi based pastor who travelled home for holidays.”
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