It however got Moyo upset, boasting she doesn’t sleep around and she wished there was a meter reading it for all, so we can know the good and bad ones.
She ended her post with #Stillthebaddestgoodgirlyouknow
Her undiluted words;
So I just saw this .... It really upsets me because (1) I was talking about a topic very sensitive to me .... ........ ......(2) this useless poster has absolutely ,no idea how difficult it is to try to abstain as a very hawt somebody 😏😴😴 responsibly ...... ..... ......... ... .......(3) For some reason , people assume single people sleep around ..... Well let me shock you ( not like you are not aware already 😒just that we like to lie to ourselves) ...... It is the people in "perfect" marriages and relationships that sleep around the most ...... ...... .... ................. ..... So miss me with the b... S.... !! .... ..... ...... ......... P.s Honestly .... I wish we had a sleeping around meter on our bodies somewhere , so the society can stop assuming and just know !!! 😡😡😡 #Stillthebaddestgoodgirlyouknow 😛
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