She was later handed over to the police after serious interrogations. There's no excuse for stealing. If you are broke, go ahead and do menial jobs. Do jobs below you, as long as it puts money in your pocket to avoid stealing. Soon, God will see your diligence and reward you. Stealing is a sin against God and humanity, so ta lo fe fi ti e jor? More photos..
Thursday, 2 August 2018
Woman Caught Stealing At Abuja Market [Photos]
She was later handed over to the police after serious interrogations. There's no excuse for stealing. If you are broke, go ahead and do menial jobs. Do jobs below you, as long as it puts money in your pocket to avoid stealing. Soon, God will see your diligence and reward you. Stealing is a sin against God and humanity, so ta lo fe fi ti e jor? More photos..
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