Friday 19 April 2019

Twisted Couple Took Turns Sexually Abusing 13-Year-Old Boy After Drugging Him

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A sick paedophile couple would ply a teenage boy with drugs and booze before raping and abusing him.

The 13-year-old was left "a broken child with no future" after the abuse at the hands of predators Michael Riley and Jason Millar.

The victim, who cannot be named for legal reasons, was so traumatised he began hearing voices and self harmed to the point he ended up in hospital, reports the Liverpool Echo.

The couple, who have since moved from Walton to Dundee, blackmailed the boy by telling him social services would take him from his mum if he stopped going to see them.

Riley, now 31, and Millar, now 44, were recently acquitted of attempted murder for stabbing their alleged cocaine dealer in the neck, but in August last year Riley was jailed for 22 months for possessing and sharing thousands of images of children being abused.

Today at Liverpool Crown Court Riley was jailed for 10 years and nine months; and Millar for nine years; after Riley pleaded guilty to three counts and Millar one count of causing a child to engage in sexual activity.

Judge Anil Murray, passing sentence, described how the boy said the abuse had "destroyed my life" and had talked about feeling "so numb" he cut himself "because it was the only way I could feel awake."

Martine Snowden, prosecuting, told the court Riley and Millar gained the trust of the victim's mum following the death of a relative and she believed they were providing "much needed support and guidance."

However the truth emerged after she discovered he had told a friend he felt suicidal and that someone "had been messing with him," prompting her to ask questions.

Ms Snowden said: "He did tell his mum that he and the defendants had all been naked in bed together and that that Michael had pictures on his phone and computer which he said were 'sick and of three year olds'."

The court heard the boy was interviewed by Merseyside Police and said the abuse began with Riley and Millar "brushing up against him" with their genitals and questioning him about his sexuality.

Things progressed when they plied him with cocaine and alcohol, which affected his memory of the incidents, and he said they began groping him and touching his p*nis.

The abuse escalated to the point where the perverts took in turns having s-x with him after giving him cocaine.

Ms Snowden said: "He said in the morning they were both downstairs watching telly and didn’t speak, didn’t even look at him straight whilst he sat there curled in a ball thinking about killing himself.


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