Friday, 24 May 2019

America's 'highest paid s*x worker' on $1m a year 'wants to help people connect'

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A woman who calls herself America's highest paid legal s-x worker earning $1m a year has spoken out in defence of her job.

Alice Little, originally from Ireland, refutes any claims she is a victim, adding she has never found another job as fulfilling.

The 27-year-old has worked at a legal brothel, the Moonlite Bunny Ranch in Nevada, USA, since 2016.

Earning the equivalent of around £790,000, she says she wants to 'help people connect', in a first person piece for HuffPost about her chosen career.

Her work varies from ridding adults of the 'shame' of being a virgin to reigniting the spark in couples' relationships, Alice says.

"Nothing ever felt as fulfilling as working in a legal brothel," she writes. "It fits me perfectly.

"Due to the demands on my schedule, my bookings typically start around $2,000 (£1,579).

"I chose this profession because I wanted to help people connect in meaningful ways. I stayed because I love changing the world’s intimacy habits, one person at a time."

Alice said her job enables her to free virgins of 'crushing social shame', help widows recover from the death of a spouse and even assist people struggling with medical problems like erectile dysfunction.

She added that couples also come to her for help when their relationships get stale.

"I believe seeing a legal s-x worker when your relationship needs fine-tuning is just the same as going to a mechanic when your car needs repairs," she said.

Alice says she works up to 80 hours per week and spends much of her time on creating s-x-related articles, videos and podcasts.

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