Thursday, 9 May 2019

Archie Harrisons of Britain speak of shock at sharing exact name with newest member of Royal family

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The newest addition to the royal family has come as a shot in the arm to hundreds of men across the UK who now share a moniker with the 7th in line to the throne.

The Duke and Duchess of Sussex yesterday unveiled their newborn son to the world before the besotted parents revealed he would be called Archie Harrison Mountbatten-Windsor.

The name sparked an excited ripple across the country - largely among fellow Archie Harrisons who revealed their shock at having the same name.

The name Archie trended on Twitter for hours after the announcement. 

Penny Harrison, from Radcliffe-on-Trent, who has an eight-year-old son called Archie Harrison, said she thought she 'misheard' the radio when Prince Harry and Meghan made the big reveal on Wednesday at Windsor Castle.

Mrs Harrison, 37, has met Prince William twice through her job as the marketing and communications director for the charity Skillforce.

She said she would 'let the Duke of Cambridge know that his brother pinched her boy's name'.

Mrs Harrison added: 'I just thought I had misheard it on the radio and I almost choked on my tea.

'I looked at my phone and my WhatsApp was going crazy with people messaging me. I would not have guessed.

'I'm sure Archie will enjoy all the attention at school. He's just been saying he's famous and he's going to milk it I'm sure.'

Eight-year-old Archie added: 'I think it's really funny that Prince Harry has given his son the same name as me - but it's a great choice.'

Engineering geologist Archie Harrison was on the Tube when he overheard people 'saying they didn't like the name'.

The 20-year-old told the BBC: 'I thought it was sort of a joke. Then I must have got 50 phone calls and WhatsApps.

'And then I heard people on the Tube talking about it saying they didn't like the name. I was sitting there thinking should I say something.'

Fellow Archie Harrisons are now demanding royal treatment among their peers.


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