Monday, 13 May 2019

Florida man who raised over $22m on GoFundMe in the “We The People Will Build the Wall” diverts cash?

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Well the alleged news is spreading fast and Jon Cooper even helped in spread the link. Yes, we found it on his page first! Lol. Here’s the report by the way…

A source close to the Florida man who raised over $22 million on GoFundMe in the “We The People Will Build the Wall” campaign just revealed today in their opinion money may be diverted to pay for a ‘million dollar’ yacht and high-flying lifestyle.

This article draws on the use of an anonymous source whose identity is being protected because they stepped forward to expose what they believe is a wrong-doing or possibly criminal fraud by the Wall GoFundMe campaign that received over 300,000 individual donations.***

That source is a known activist that is pro-Trump and has gone on Fox News for his bipartisan cause. The source told The Stern Facts that they “ironically” know Brian Kolfage, who built that Wall Go Fund Me page.

According to the source, Brian Kolfage personally confided that was “broke” last year after his “Right Wing News” empire—which the source was told was fake, but he never read—collapsed and Facebook “deplatformed” him.

That anonymous source shared an Instagram post highlighting Kolfage’s recent purchase of a fine seagoing vessel which they believe is “close to a million dollars.”

After Kolfage commented to this story, the source said, “Whether he ordered it last year with the year before is irrelevant it’s still nearly a million dollar boat. Those new toys are very expensive as is flying private. Where did he get the money if his business was destroyed by Facebook? ”

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