Monday 19 August 2019

Girl born with 12 fingers and toes will go blind by the time she is a teenager due to rare condition

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A little girl born with 12 fingers and 12 toes will go blind by the time she is a teenager because of a rare genetic condition.

Caitlin Wilkie, four, was born with six fingers on each hand and six toes on each foot.

Mum Ashley, 40, told the Daily Record: “I had a completely normal pregnancy.

“I noticed I had a little girl and that she had six fingers on each hand and six toes on each foot.

“But after a 30-hour-labour, I was exhausted and thought I can’t deal with this just now.

“The next day we got into the mindset there was something wrong and the genetic team got involved from an early stage.

“But they couldn’t find anything. They couldn’t find a reason to why she was born with extra digits.

“We were sent home with our baby and just got on with life.”

Caitlin, of Kirriemuir, Angus, had numerous hospital check-ups and underwent two five-hour operations to remove her extra fingers and toes.

But when she was just 18 months old, Ashley and husband Liam, 36, contacted the health visitor because they felt Caitlin wasn’t meeting her milestones. She wasn’t walking and she had very little speech.

Vetinary nurse Ashley said: “Alarm bells started ringing and the genetic team got back involved. They sent some samples to Great Ormond Street Hospital in London and in March 2017, they diagnosed Bardet-Biedl Syndrome.”

The condition causes sight loss and most children are registered blind in teenage years. They also struggle with obesity as their brain never realises they are full.


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