According to her, alot of people mocked her, saying she left a billionaire with nothing to show for it. She however says her story is an open book now, and if she has to say all she has accomplished, she will look boastful. Her words...
#tbt 5 years ago this was all I had as a business . This little spot under/near the stair case of a mall that so many people used to mock me because to them i just left a billionaire and had nothing to show for it 😂😂 How time flies. Such a humbling period in my life. A real down time . I don’t need to go into details of where I am today so I don’t get carried away and maybe seem boastful ( you already know 😝) . A reminder that no matter how tough it gets , it can get better . Cheers to getting better and doing better. Lots of love to those who have constantly stood by me . God bless you .
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