The former Destiny's Child singer, 39, told the Kyle and Jackie O Show on Tuesday she will only move into a property where she feels she can fully relax 'completely n.u.d.e'.
She said she has been stripping off in her backyard at her mansion in Los Angeles.
Kelly was chatting to radio hosts Kyle Sandilands and Jackie 'O' Henderson about finding her dream home when she made the comments.
'There was also the requirement that you wanted to be completely n.u.d.e in the backyard for some strange reason,' he said.
'I get that, because you don't want anyone to be looking into your backyard,' co-host Jackie 'O' Henderson agreed.
Kyle replied: 'Yeah but how often are we actually fully n.u.d.e in our backyard.? Not often, I think.'
But Kelly disagreed with the shock jock.
'Well then you're missing out because let me tell you something,' she said.
'There ain't nothing more freeing than feeling the nice, brisk wind on your bottom. You know, grazing by.'
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