The day before the show's host Dan Walker had interviewed Terrence, who has spent the last 20 Christmas Days alone.
So Dan and the crew travelled to Terrence's home in Oldham to surprise him with a Christmas tree and carol singers.
Before the big reveal the two men sat down for a chat and Terrence explained that he used to spend Christmas with his mum.
He'd bring her Christmas dinner and presents and he always remembered that she'd told him how she wouldn't get any presents if he didn't go to see her.
Terrence said: "I often think about that now. People who are on their own now don't get any presents from people."
This year Terrence will be spending the day with his friend Nancy, who he met through Age UK.
Dan opened the door to reveal students from Oldham College who brought decorations and a tree to give Terrence's house a festive makeover.
"We brought you a Christmas tree to brighten your Christmas," one said.
Terrence burst into tears and thanked them all as he dried his eyes.
Dan then asked him his favourite carol and after he revealed it was Silent Night the host took him outside where a choir performed the song.
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