A statement posted on the commission’s website by its spokesperson, Rasheedat Okoduwa, on Thursday, said Mohammed was wanted for failure to appear before the ICPC in an ongoing investigation against him.
The statement said, “Mohammed is hereby declared wanted by the ICPC for his failure to appear before the commission, for an ongoing investigation against him.
“Mohammed, an indigene of Kebbi State, is currently serving as an honourable member representing the Maiyama/Koko/Besse Federal Constituency in the National Assembly. He was born on June 16, 1978 (41 years old) and is dark in complexion.
“His current address is Wamban Koko Campaign Office, Jega Road, Maiyama, Kebbi State.
“Anyone who has useful information on his whereabouts should report to the ICPC headquarters Abuja or any of the ICPC state offices or the nearest police station, or call the ICPC toll-free lines: 0803-123-0280, 0803-123-0281, 0803-123-0282, 0705-699-0190, 0705-699-0191 and 0800-call ICPC (0800-2255-4272).”
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