Wednesday, 15 April 2020

Couple plan to marry and have kids with woman they met online in what they call ‘throuple’

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A Couple have revealed how they plan to marry and start a family with a woman they met on Instagram, as they celebrate their first anniversary as a ‘throuple’.

Rebecca Grossman, 31, and Dave Gilbert, 37, who met through work 12 years ago, had been in a relationship for a decade when Karla Moreno, 29, sent them an Instagram message out of the blue, asking if they would be interested in exploring a relationship with her.

After a three-day date in March 2019, the trio became inseparable, and just eight weeks later, Karla packed up her life and moved an hour away to Dave and Rebecca’s home in Scottsdale, Arizona.

Now, the trio are hoping to make their union official and start a family.

Rebecca, who identifies as bisexual, said: “From that first date, all three of us were inseparable. We had this amazing connection.

“It’s hard to be someone’s everything. You do not have to see one person as your whole thing. There are so many things I can’t give to Dave, but that Karla can give him, and vice versa.

“In a throuple, there’s more love, more hugs and more support. There’s just more to go around. It’s three times the fun, three times the memories and three times the love.”

Rebecca and Dave, who both work as store managers, first began to explore polyamory - when someone engages in romantic relationships with more than one person at the same time – five years ago.

Rebecca said she brought it up as she had experienced it in the past, and found it was the right fit for her as a bisexual.

Dave recalled: “I was never seeking polyamory or a throuple relationship, and had always identified as monogamous.

“Rebecca introduced me to the concept, and once I’d opened up to the idea, I realised all the ways in which it added to my life rather than taking away.

"At first I was worried that it would take Rebecca away from me, but it didn't. It's actually worked for us."

Over the years, Rebecca and Dave dated a handful of other people, but for various reasons, the relationships never worked out.

Meanwhile, retail assistant Karla, who is also bisexual, was having a similar problem.

Having struggled to live monogamously, she had been in relationships with a few couples, but could not seem to strike the right dynamic.

In time, the trio all became part of the same polyamory community on Instagram, where they would chat to like-minded people.

Having first spotted Rebecca and Dave on a dating app in 2018, Karla was initially too shy to message them, but when she found them on Instagram a year later, she decided to go for it.

Karla said: "I was definitely physically attracted to them, but it was also about what Rebecca said that they were seeking. They were looking for equality in relationship, which was what I wanted."

So, she messaged Rebecca to ask if she and Dave would like to meet up.

After speaking for a week online, the trio had their first date at Scottsdale spring fashion show in March 2019.

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