Saturday 23 May 2020

6-year old boy born premature raises £19K to help buy incubator for hospital as a form of THANK YOU

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A sweet six-year-old boy has raised more than £19,000 to buy an incubator for the hospital that kept him alive when he was born.

Dhillon Manku, 6, was born two months early weighing 3lb 9oz and spent a month at Kingston Hospital, London.

He became curious about incubators after his sister was born, and asked his mother, Sharn, 35, why she didn’t have to stay in a "glass box" like he did.

Sharn told her son about his premature birth and decided he wanted to raise money as a thank you to Kingston Hospital.

Little Dhillon raised £5,000 with a sponsored swim and another £4,500 with a bounceathon.

Dhillon finally reached his £19,000 goal after the Kamani family, the people behind fashion empire BooHoo, donated £5,000.

Kingston Hospital gratefully received the donation from Dhillon and bought the incubator in March.

Medics have reportedly used it to help isolate any infants suspected to have Covid-19 during the pandemic.

The little boy’s sweet efforts are commemorated with a plaque stuck to the side of the incubator.

He was asked what he would like on the plaque, to which he referenced his favourite football team, Liverpool.

Dhillon told staff he wanted "You’ll never walk alone" on the incubator, a song which has also become now synonymous with the coronavirus pandemic.

A spokesman for the hospital said: "Over three months ago, being a Liverpool fan, when we asked what Dhillon would like on the plaque to go on the incubator, he said, ‘You’ll never walk alone’."

"Little did he know how topical that song would be during this period. His efforts will help save the lives of many premature infants, we are all very proud of him."


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