Monday, 7 December 2020

I don't mind being a baby daddy for life - Denrele Edun

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Denrele Edun has said he doesn't mind being a baby daddy for life as he counts down to turning 40.

The Tv host in an interview with the Newtelegraph,said he is tired of searching for the right woman.
He says they keep telling him she is around the corner and he has searched everywhere, yet can't find her.

He then said for truth, he wouldn't mind to be a baby daddy and he would just collect his child and ask the lady to go and enjoy her life, as he would love to take care of the child by himself alone.

He also boasted he knows he would be one of the best dads in the world.

He told the paper; “One kid is okay for me. Nigeria is expensive. Having children in Nigeria is extremely expensive. I drop cap for you all that have three. I will focus my energy on one child, maximum two children. I am not saying that children are not the best gift from God but they are expensive. I will want the best for my kids because I always want the best for my friends’ kids.”

“If possible, I’ll just want to be a baby daddy. I’ll just tell the lady to give me the baby and go and enjoy herself. I will take it from there. I don’t mind being a baby daddy. I will be one of the best father figures in the world. The child will not remember he or she has a mother.”

When asked if the woman was already there, the entertainer replied; ”I am not even searching anymore because this searching is too much. They keep saying that your life partner is around the corner. I have gone to that corner and there is nobody there. I am tired they should come out of the corner. I am not searching anymore. I am single and not ready to mingle. I just pray to God to let it happen.”

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