Tuesday 27 April 2021

I believe that Nigeria will fly again - Pastor Kumuyi discloses

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The Founder and General Superintendent, GS, of the Deeper Christian Life Ministry, Pastor William Kumuyi, Sunday, speaking on the state of the nation declared Nigeria can fly again.

 Kumuyi made the declaration while fielding questions from newsmen after a special Sunday Worship Service as part of the ongoing 6-day ‘Soaring Above’ Crusade in Abuja and for the 19 northern States via Zoom and other social media platforms.

 He expressed hope that God is still interested in Nigeria, therefore urged Nigerians to stop the hate and killing of one another including the use of divisive utterances that could dampen the expected change. 

He also counseled that Nigerians should not give up on their country but should believe that things will get better when they focus on God and do that which is expected of God from them by loving each other and making use of the resources God has blessed the nation with.

 He said: “We thank the Lord for what the Lord has done, and doing this we are doing together, seeing the Lord rolling away problems that people did not think will easily be rolled away like that neither seeing the people who are lame walking, people deaf and dumb the Lord healing them, and things like that.

“What God does for an individual He does it for the family, and what He does for the community, and what he does for the community He can do for the country. 

“The point is these people that received this divine touch they did not give up, did not think is all over, they knew that God can still do something, the country would have to adopt that same mindset, and know that whatever we are going through stop accusing this and accusing that while we are pointing accusing fingers we are trying to say let you be on you own and let me be on my own; let the East go and let the West go, and this one go. “If we are thinking like that we will not expect the solution God wants to give us but when we have hope and we know yet we have gone through some deep waters things are going to change, our God has the possibility to make things change.

 I believe that we will fly again. “And I believe and declare things will become better for our country, things are going to turnaround and we will still remain in life to enjoy the goodness of the Lord for our families and ourselves in the same country, and we are going to raise our heads and say this is my country, and God will do it and we will live to see the fulfillment.” 

On the area of economic hardship, Nigerians are currently passing through the clergyman said the nation should believe in the brains here and look inward for solutions to the current challenges, which is to make things conducive for them to take the nation out of the situation to the path of rapid economic growth. 

“God has given us a mind, brain and also given us fertile ground, and said we should till the ground, cultivate and do things we ought to do, and whatever we sow is what we reap in the natural as well as in our interaction with each other.


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