Monday 26 April 2021

Woman takes photos seconds apart to show reality behind Insta-perfect posts

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Smiling at the camera and looking incredible, Georgie Clarke is the picture-perfect insta model.

But she's working hard to show how lighting and angles can make a difference, in order to show the reality of normal bodies.

The blogger went viral on Instagram after sharing a body-positive message with her hundreds of followers.

She wrote: “One minute apart = both are for Instagram. On the left, I am posed... On the right I am relaxed...

“Both images are beautiful and should be shared on this platform.

“This comparison is to show you that someone who understands modelling will be able to create an image on the left but in reality and when relaxed is the image on the right.”

To capture the first image, Georgie explained she had to:

Find the best light

Find the most flattering angle

Tense bum

Stand on tiptoes

Tense stomach

Hold breath

But for the second snap, she simply relaxed and smiled - which does sound A LOT easier.

Georgie highlighted why posting the different images side-by-side is so important to her.

She said: “Both images are for my Instagram because I believe both images show my true self.

"I want to be able to create beautiful images but I also want to show you the truth and reality behind the 'perfect images'. So here’s your reality check.

“Normalise normal bodies.”

Her post racked more than 50,000 likes and sparked a discussion in the comments.

One woman wrote: "Thanks for sharing...I now feel my body is normal and beautiful too."

Another said: "Thank you because of the good feelings you give to the girls."

"Your posts are such a breath of fresh air, thank you," wrote one fan, while another added: "Love love love! Sometimes I feel like its so hard not to compare yourself to what you see on social media but accounts like this are so helpful."


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