Sunday, 16 April 2017

Father Is Crushed To Death By His Own Audi When The Jack Collapsed As He Worked Underneath It

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A father was crushed to death by his 'pride and joy' Audi when the jack collapsed as he worked underneath it. Car-loving Nick Jones was discovered by his partner, Keira Hammond, after she returned from the gym to their home in Addington, Kent.

He was working underneath his Audi S4 when the vehicle fell onto him. Despite paramedics' best efforts, they were unable to save him after they believe he suffered catastrophic head injuries.

But Ms Hammond, has paid tribute to the emergency services for the way they looked after both her and Mr Jones. The internal communications manager, 35, said: 'That car was Nick's pride and joy, and he'd had it for about three-and-a-half-years, he loved it.

'He was a skilled mechanic, he was really experienced and he was always doing things to our cars.

Despite her best efforts, she was unable to lift the car, and the jack would not work, so she called for neighbours.

Ms Hammond added: 'I couldn't see his head or chest, just his lower half.

'I knew I needed help, so I started yelling as loud as I could while dialling 999.

'My neighbours appeared and they ran to get a different jack whilst I knelt with Nick.

'We jacked the car up and I pulled him out and started giving him CPR but when I felt for a pulse there wasn't one and he wasn't breathing.

'I knew his chances were slim but I wanted to give him the best chance of surviving as I could, so I gave him chest compressions and breaths until ambulance arrived.

'They came quite quickly, I don't know how much time had passed because I was focusing on Nick, but the paramedics took over and the air ambulance came.

Ms Hammond says her partner, who had a nine-year-old son from a previous relationship, was a very experienced mechanic and would have taken all the correct safety precautions.

Mr Jones pictured enjoying a drink on Margate beach, summer 2016 +4

Mr Jones pictured enjoying a drink on Margate beach, summer 2016

He had previously changed the suspension and brakes on her car, and he 'knew what he was doing, he was always safe and really experienced.'

She said: 'Whatever happened, we don't know, but we are all in absolute shock and grief.

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