On my 25th birthday, He begged me to have sex with him which could only show my love to him. I agreed because I truly loved him and I was not ready to lose him. I gave him the condition that I will have sex with him unless he swore an oath with the holy bible. We both swore the oath naked and promised never to leave one another.
After a year, we lost each other's contact and I moved on with my life. I got married and had a son. One day, I came across with my ex at a mall and he was very happy to see me. He screamed so loud and I was embarrassed. He told me he was married to but facing challenges.
His pastor told him that the only way to get out of the situation is for us to revoke the oath we took then naked, because he said he confided in him when he got married and the challenges began. He has been calling me to come and meet his pastor so that he can conduct whatever thing we have to do. I am now a Christian and I have been thinking this is not right. He can’t see my nakedness again. Please is this right? I have not told my husband. I can’t even tell him, but I hate the present position my ex is.
Hmm, FREE THE SHEEPLE. I’m so borrowing Daddy Freeze’s words on this. My sister, if any pastor tells you as a married woman to come and revoke a oath naked with another married man, please run. They are not revoking any oath o, it is probably for something else. Any man who encourages such is NOT OF GOD.
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