Mary Turner Thompson had a six year relationship with William Jordan before finding out he sexually assaulted an underage girl and was leading multiple lives.
Mary has set up an online support group for all of Jordan's victims 11 years later but fears he will continue to con women because he is a "psychopath".
Claiming to be a CIA agent, he stole at least £300,000 from 21 women in five countries, and has even pursued another after being released from prison last year.
Viewers shocked as terrified aunt discovered 'secret plot to KILL her' as she spied on her niece online William Jordan claimed he was constantly away from home because he was a CIA agent
Mary explained that her husband first asked for money after four years together, having met in November 2000 and telling her he worked in the intelligence service.
Speaking on This Morning, she said: "He said that unsavouries had found out where we lived and were effectively blackmailing us.
"They were saying that if we didn't come up with money these people would steal the children and rips bits off them and send them through the post unless we came up with the money to pay them off.
"I sold everything I had. Who wouldn't to look after their children. And living in absolute terror."
Mary accused Jordan of gradually "brainwashing" her before discovering he was married to another woman and was a convicted sexual predator.
She said: "I got a phone call from the other wife. She said 'I'm the other Mrs Jordan'.
"She actually dropped everything to meet me. We sat down and spoke for 12 hours and compared our children who looked very similar."
Jordan was given five years in prison for bigamy, fraud and failing to register as a sex offender, but moved on to his next victim Mischelle Lewis from New Jersey, USA.
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