“I’d love to go. I’d sort of love (to) sit in the front row and stare in their corrupt faces,” Trump told reporters as he wrapped up his trip to the World Economic Forum in Davos.
But he added: “I think they (his lawyers) might have a problem.”
For two days, Trump was unstoppable as he ignored Davos’s supposed focus on global warming and inequality. Barely mentioning climate crisis, he relentlessly touted US employment figures and GDP growth and bathed in the attention of CEOs and billionaires.
“Everybody is talking about America’s unprecedented economic success. It’s really the talk of the town,” he crowed at a press conference organised at the last minute before departure, enabling him to give himself one more shout-out.
Wednesday morning was breakfast with a Who’s Who of American CEOs — the bosses of companies like Morgan Stanley and Apple.
Tuesday evening it had been the turn of foreign corporate titans and the boss of world soccer body FIFA, Gianni Infantino, who declared Trump to be “made of the same sort of fibre” as elite athletes.
Then there was Trump’s speech on Tuesday, given top billing by Davos’s World Economic Forum for its 50th annual gathering in the Swiss mountain resort.
The hall was packed, the overflow rooms were packed, but Trump told them what he came to tell — not the message of global togetherness and environmental healing that many of them wanted to hear.
Mocking climate campaigners as “the heirs of yesterday’s foolish fortune tellers”, he instead delivered a rousing defence of fossil fuel industries and said that technical ingenuity could find a solution to any problem.
“The American dream is back, bigger, better, stronger than ever before,” he said.
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